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Wiki Fiction Roleplay Character Page

Information on Character Creation and Applying to the Guild



WFR Application Page

Want to be a member of the guild? Already a member, but want a second (third, fourth) character? Apply here!

WFR Guild Members

This is the list of accepted players and their characters. You don't post here. The mods do. But it's a great page to read over to find some of the best players in Elftown.

For tips on character creation, see Role playing for Dummies.

WFR Char RACE Page - A page listing different races your characters can be.

WFR Char RANK Page - A page listing different ranks and classes your character can have.

Alignment - A page describing different alignments, which basicaly is a basic outline of your character's moral code.

Size - A page describing the effects of how big or small your character is.

If you're looking to make an actual game a part of the guild, you're in the wrong spot. WFR Games and WFR Quests has the info you need. :)


Ladies and Gentlemen, WFR is getting huge! Thank you all for your character submissions!


Once you're accepted, you get to post this nifty badge in your house.



Just copy-paste this code into your house description to display the badge!


Characters in Limbo

These are potential acceptees who need to make some changes before we can approve them. If you're on this list, please do something about it, even if that only means messaging one of the mods and letting them know that you're no longer interested!

Characters in Limbo are 'anarchic creatures', tattered, un-finished entities whose creator-gods and avatars abandoned them in the cosmic vast, left stranded and mis-guided; soulless voids, the carnal temples who shall forever be swept in the current of dying elements, to be cast some day into oblivion or into the Deeper Vast, the area of the cosmos where life make no sense, and where death is in the past.

The WFR Lost Characters, however, are not anarchic and are not lost in the sweeping ridge of the cosmos, past the heavens and hells... they're just flat out lost. Sent on adventures never travelled, looting hordes that just plain don't exist, these fools roam the universe, hidden from the eyes of any truth, since their players have abandoned... well, us. Players who do not show up to Elftown for months and years at a time are sent to this land of misfit characters.... Not to Limbo.

Malbosha Please add/edit info
Fuin [Oddjob] Please add more info
Selek [Punk_Rock_Mosher] Please add/edit info
Whupem [benjismokin] Missing Info
Neuuval Sleavunsu Missing ID info, cant contact creator because no user name.
Edorita [Savior of the Broken] Pending class change or MOD exception
Marius [F34R :82:-DE] Pending skills description and personality additions
Gelina [Bahn] Unknown species and unspecific skills.
Jade Sparrow [jade_sparrow13] I dont even know this characters name and needs more skills
Thayandegea Nioshia USER NAME USER


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2004-01-25 [Leara]: msg the user and ask them to add what you want, when they do, THEN accept it V.V;

2004-01-25 [Leara]: if I have something wrote under their description, that means I was waiting for them to fix things >.>

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: Dankur Lothir / [Dev^] Good job on editing. Nice history, good skills, good description. Accepted. GL in your adventures

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: Fuin / [Oddjob] Please check the Limbo area and edit your character accordingly

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: Bug A.K.A. REBO was accepted and Xido if you want to recind that you can but just use it with caution. GL

2004-01-26 [Leara]: on character pages put 'Character Name' at the top, yes I am picky.

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: Look Leara you are making it very difficult to help you out. If you want character in the name then why isnt it in the cut and paste form.

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: Emma Le Fay / [The Blonde Witch] Good character description as well as history. The skills are a little short, perhaps think about adding some general boating skills or gamboling skills, pirate stuff :) Accepted and happy sailing to ye!

2004-01-26 [Leara]: because its how we do out the pages, always have.

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: Caylandra / [Therian] Nice character Therian :)

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: Nēre Elendae / [Nere] Nice character layout and oh yeah nice character lol :)

2004-01-26 [Leara]: omg, I thought you would have known better! Don't accept your own characters! You get someone else to do that!

2004-01-26 [MathiasIV]: I didn't accept my own characters I moved them because nothing was being done with them. Of all people Leara I think I know what is needed in character submissions. I think you can believe me this once that they were OK.

2004-01-26 [Blood Raven]: I'm getting this odd feeling Mat's working much faster than Leara...

2004-01-26 [Blood Raven]: And I can't believe my bug actually got through *_*

2004-01-26 [Leara]: He's accepting ppl and asking them to fix things later, I try to have things fixed before there accepted. I'm sure his characters were ok, but if you accept your own characters, you will be biased towards them, I would have had Xido look them over and choose to accept them or not.

2004-01-26 [Leara]: I won't be able to take back over till tuesday now, if not later, we have one hell of a storm so exams were pushed back a day, more time to study, and my last one is now on Monday.

2004-01-26 [Blood Raven]: i ain't accepting my own chars :S my bug has been in the waiting line for 2 weeks... or at least something like that, i have the tendancy to lose sense of time :S

2004-01-26 [Blood Raven]: o good luck with ur exams then

2004-01-26 [Leara]: the character thing was to Mathias @_@ I have to read two novels in the next day....I've only read 20pages so far.

2004-01-26 [Blood Raven]: yes i know but i like to reply a lot ^_^ makes me sure i didn't miss something i shouldn't have plus I don't feel ignored ^_^. not that I'm being but ye never know ;)

2004-01-27 [Blood Raven]: Uhm... Mat, you might want to remove that description of aneishia sar, she died this sunday, sadly...

2004-01-27 [MathiasIV]: Eep. Ok good call raven. Thanks.

2004-01-27 [xido]: the player died??!? Oh my goodness....

2004-01-27 [Blood Raven]: 2nd one, next to [Toquah] or what was her name again, didn't know her. Sad anyway...

2004-01-27 [MathiasIV]: I almost jumped all over who wrote "joe Schmoe" up there and then I realized who it was lol

2004-01-27 [Mystic Beauty]: Hey you guys thanks for excepting me, and change whatever you dont like about her as long as its pretty much the same : )

2004-01-27 [MathiasIV]: I would prefer that you talk it over with [xido] and settle it out with him. Basically we need you to tone it down a bit but like I said Xido will know better than I will.

2004-01-27 [Leara]: Mystic, it isn't our job to change things on your description, its yours, we only point out what should be changed. I'm saying that, cause you really wouldn't want me changing it.

2004-01-28 [Blood Raven]: let's use our creativity to think of what will happen then ^_^

2004-01-28 [Nere]: erm...its late...but thanks Mathias :) first one i ever wrote.....i just hadn't gotten round to posting her :P

2004-01-28 [Mystic Beauty]: Ok, didn't think it mattered who changed it, but now as i come to think about it I'll definately change it, but, were is it?

2004-01-29 [MathiasIV]: Leara and Xido, I took a chance and added a little character example to this page. I was inspired by the Joe Schmoe that I think was added by Xido. Please tell me what you think before you remove it so I can defend it. I think it will help people understand what we are looking for. Thanks!

2004-01-30 [Leara]: I don't think thats gonna doesn't even have proper grammer, which is one of the things I always have to ask people to fix, if people make characters according to that, the descriptions are going to be really dull, theres no effort in it.

2004-01-30 [Mystic Beauty]: And I just altered mine, I made her valnerable, tell me how it is now...

2004-01-30 [Blood Raven]: Mat -_-; your example is weird. It isn';t even an example, more like a sheme on how to make a char really. Plus it's a bit problematic and chaotic. You might wanna chane Beggar class into Example class...

2004-01-30 [Nere]: Hey...Nim's finally put his char up...Bloody miracles do happen :P

2004-01-30 [Blood Raven]: i guess :)

2004-01-30 [MathiasIV]: Basically here is how I thought it could work. take the line "He likes to wear pants" and turn it into what kind of pants/dress/loincloth/etc etc etc. Get it. I dont want people to copy what I wrote. I want them to elaborate. It needs editing sure but its a good start.

2004-01-30 [MathiasIV]: basically I took a lot of things that could be expanded upon and generalized them WAY down. Some people say "has a cute face" I would rather see FEATURES of that face "Nose lips hair eyes etc etc etc I think you get the point) Am I making sense? Xido I would really like to hear your opinion as well, where are you.

2004-01-31 [Nere]: ..............................................................meep...............................................

2004-01-31 [Lexicon]: hehe he is a bit tied up hehe kind in shackles with in my DUNGEON!! darn did I say that out loud? lol

2004-01-31 [xido]: LMAO!!! Is THAT where I am? Boy, I sure do have a few things to worry about, don't I? I enjoy the's brief, blunt, and malleable for beginners. As for Mystic, I'd just like to see less "she's so grand and beautiful", and more "she can fit into a party in this way..." And Lex, could we use the fuzzy handcuffs this time?

2004-01-31 [Nere]: lol!

2004-01-31 [Blood Raven]: lol ^_^

2004-01-31 [MathiasIV]: *shudder*

2004-01-31 [Lexicon]: you said ya didnt like the pink ones....hehe I guess I will go and get the blue ones then lol

2004-01-31 [MathiasIV]: Actually Lex I believe Xido prefers purple. If you can find them it might get you a little closer to scoring!

2004-01-31 [Lexicon]: RIGTH ON!!! hehe hey spray pain tworks wonders LOL anyways :P

2004-01-31 [MathiasIV]: Lol was reading that and read "Spray Pain" and I was like WHOAAAA BILLY!!! but then I saw the "t" and everything was ok lol

2004-02-01 [AccountKiller]: Right So how does this shit work

2004-02-01 [Blood Raven]: read the page, it might help ^_^

2004-02-02 [Nere]: someones screwed up the bold hmtl.......Mathais ...i'm looking in your direction! :P

2004-02-02 [AccountKiller]: Nevermind, I got it. It was rather confusing but I put my chara up there... I hope I did it good enough I mean after all I do write stories.. so if it beginst to look like it you know why...

2004-02-02 [elf_fu]: I'm completely confused...Can you smell the newbie on me? Would someone , please, point out where I should add my character description? LOL, and if I missed the place where it was listed, obviously, please forgive, thank you!

2004-02-02 [elf_fu]: DOH...I just ..missed the part in this page...Completely...SHhHHHH...You didn't see my last somment..>.<

2004-02-02 [AccountKiller]: Aye, I understand it took me about 3 days of reading and re-reading of this page to figure out where to put the damn CD...

2004-02-02 [Leara]: TaelAen, Kamasashi, could you both look over the page and make your character descriptions according to the layout given above. RP experience is not needed...and why is a rp pasted into that description? o.O

2004-02-02 [Leara]: And Mathias, as of 3pm NF time today, I will have failed my exams, and will be taking over again.

2004-02-02 [Leara]: and someone broke the tags and didn't fix it, I can't find where to either.

2004-02-02 [AccountKiller]: hehe See I frigging told ya it was Fubared guys... I mean they talk in circles about what they want.. well not really it's just jumbled together and I cant makes heads or tails of it..

2004-02-02 [AccountKiller]: I didnt break the tags I put them into labor on 2 other pages including the house page and they all worked fine for me...

2004-02-02 [Leara]: Ah...that characters pretty god-like....

2004-02-02 [AccountKiller]: Okay I see my errors now Who screwed up the HTML tagging?

2004-02-02 [Nere]: it was Mathias......

2004-02-02 [elf_fu]: ::Blinks::: That is the characters history. It's all in there. It isn't play, it's her short story listing her past-her family, her illness and where she is at the moment. ??

2004-02-02 [MathiasIV]: Excuse me, I didnt SCREW anything, It worked fine when I left. The screw is in the <br> that is not a required HTML tag. SECOND leara I dont think that I am LEAVING just because "You are back" I will leave when Xido asks me to

2004-02-02 [MathiasIV]: I will fix it, just give me a minute, damn.

2004-02-02 [elf_fu]: first...feel...blonde..moment..coming on....

2004-02-02 [MathiasIV]: Right fixed NOW to go destroy some spaces that are unneeded.

2004-02-02 [Leara]: Actually Mathias, he said when I was ready to come back to just tell you I was taking over again, so I'm reclaiming my job now that my exams are over.

2004-02-02 [Blood Raven]: mat... slow down... you're starting to sound as stressed as Leara and like me when I'm seriously pissed... we don't want that, bad publicity ;)

2004-02-02 [Leara]: I'm not stressed actually >.> I'm hungry and irritated that he sounds like he's trying to steal my precious job >.> Plus I just got back from two 3 1/2 hour exams....>.>.

2004-02-02 [Blood Raven]: u sound stressed sometimes ^_^ I hear you screwed up your exams? *huggs* poor you. And yes it does sound like he wants to copy u ^_^

2004-02-02 [Leara]: People online tend to think I'm mad/pissed off/upset when I'm not >.> Its odd, then they get mad at me, thinking I'm mad at them, and I'm all 'What are you freaking out for....o.O' ^^; I didn't do 29% of my chemistry, and 32% of my math >.> God, I'm stupid, not really, I'm actually quite smart....I just don't have the focus >.>

2004-02-02 [Blood Raven]: try chewing gum, apperently it helps stimulating the brain...

2004-02-02 [Leara]: Actually, if I chew gum to long I get a sore stomach >.> I guess it thinks I'm mocking it by making my brain think I'm eatting....

2004-02-02 [MathiasIV]: I'm not trying to copy anybody. I am doing what Xido asked me to do, and that is HELP keep this page up to date and looking good. Thats all. I stop when HE tells me. Sorry, I really dont mean to be an ass but I never CLAIMED your job in the first place. I never wanted to be THE character accepter.

2004-02-02 [Leara]: I said it sounds like that, stop getting all pissy. Why only stop when he tells you if you didn't even want the job? I'm back so I'll gladdly take it off your hands.

2004-02-02 [MathiasIV]: I said THE leara. I dont mind doing the job, as a matter of fact I kinda like it. I am just saying that contrary to almost everything I have read that you have typed about ANYTHING that I have done has been negative. You would be pissy too if you were the one that had to sit there and take it.

2004-02-02 [Leara]: I'm a negative person meh, think ppl would have caught on by now >.> I'm not the type of person that if I like something, I'll say I like it, I usually keep it to myself, if its something I don't like, i will say it though

2004-02-02 [Blood Raven]: sounds like u guys will get along just fine with ur cooperative job ^_^

2004-02-02 [MathiasIV]: But you have to comment about everything? I'm not trying to usurp you, I only signed up to help. and damn that last entry of mine made almost no sense. Glad you kinda understood it.

2004-02-02 [Blood Raven]: [elf_fu] has a... long character sheet, to say the least

2004-02-02 [Leara]: I don't comment about everything, I reframe from that. Things no one understands I usually understand, things everyone understands I usually don't...its a girft. >..>

2004-02-02 [Leara]: I can't spell...

2004-02-02 [MathiasIV]: Eh its just kinda messy and hard to read in that format. I really respect how long that probably took to write but its hard to understand and could probably be pared down to like 2 paragraphs lol

2004-02-02 [Leara]: Its done out like an rp.....not really the best way to give history and such o.O

2004-02-03 [elf_fu]: Would a short run down-Sort of like her possesions, be acceptable for Cryanna's history? ^.^ I'm not used to...well...Having to shorten anything. Most of my RP experience are from board that focus and revolve around writing...Ahem..Where I don't have to remember to put HTML to make spaces, Lol....Still getting used to the whole set up here. And actually, most of the boards I have applied/RP'ed upon, require story-like histories, and at least five to six paragraphs min. Woot- I just assumed this char. app. would require the same. Woops! I'll try and edit this in a word editor and re-post shortly.

2004-02-03 [Leara]: O.O My....your confusing.....eep...please try not to list either, grammer is good ^_^

2004-02-03 [AccountKiller]: Right....

2004-02-03 [Leara]: Sorry, but this is not the place for smartass 'holyer art than thou' attitudes.

2004-02-03 [psykromatik]: Uh, can my character app. be...a lot shorter than the uh...ones here? =|

2004-02-03 [AccountKiller]: I removed it airhead.. should really read, unless your eyes funtion than like your vocabulary and the mind that commands that small insecttoidal thing.. HA HA HA... Grow up a lil You think I am gunna blurt out all my weaknesses.. no maybe one or two minor ones; but most deff not my majors..

2004-02-03 [Therian]: Holy crap...since when has this page become such a political hotheaded mud-wrestling tournament?

2004-02-03 [AccountKiller]: Since they made it one, they wanted advanced role players and now that they found one beyond their caliber they dont like that..

2004-02-03 [Blood Raven]: -_-; take down the ego please...

2004-02-03 [elf_fu]: Bah, never mind, lol. I've removed the mess my char app has made. I'll try to think of something that fits the strange format here some time in the future. First time I've been asked to shorten anything, lol, takes a lot of work load off the fingers anyhoo.

2004-02-03 [MathiasIV]: If there is anything I can do to help, Tael just let me know. Its more for the sake of easy read-over. I kinda liked the story as a matter of fact you could potentially create a WIKI page and add a link at the end of the history, I imagine many people would enjoy that. Looking forward to seeing your character come back :)

2004-02-03 [MathiasIV]: As far as it goes Kamasashi, I would have figured that such an "advanced roleplayer" as yourself would understand adapting himself to the rules applying to the roleplay he is trying to enter. Its a shame we will never know your... talent...

2004-02-03 [Raerlas]: here's a quick ?, how many chars are we allowed to use?

2004-02-03 [MathiasIV]: as MANY as you want. I have seven ^_^

2004-02-03 [Raerlas]: to make another...

2004-02-03 [MathiasIV]: *cheer* another mind infected! Er uh, did I just say that out loud?

2004-02-03 [Raerlas]: ....yup u did...anyhow I got two already.

2004-02-03 [Raerlas]: well she's up there now....her name is Mara (Arcanthia)

2004-02-03 [Blood Raven]: I'm planning on another one too. Thought of a ninja, now I'm thinking if I'd post that one on the rank page as well while I'm busy anyway. I did some research on them ^_^

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Blood Raven, I support the whole ninja char. Yes I do, If I could be so bold sir, I would focus on melee, ranged, stealth, acrobatics, speech+ charisma, and deception. While build it in the realms of poison, ice, and fire, and focusing the magic on illusion, conjerization, and destruction, and for weapons I personally would use 2 katana (that join at the pummles and make like a full blade bo), 2 wakazashi, a short, long, and repeating crossbow , all modified with sights that stop at their effective ranges, with ammo that poisons and freezes, and ammo that produces a large cloude of poison. and for Area effect:smoke grenades, frag grenades, and poison grenades and foot spikes and trip mines

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: And then use it like a traditional ninja.. do a lil research first (on their weapons and tactics) that makes using that char all the more enjoyable...

2004-02-04 [Lexicon]: wow experienced are you? not too experienced is seems the main word of this all is FANTASY.....though ideas are based on reality but to sit there and down size another person for how they wish to run there chracter just isnt cool, we are here to have fun so let it be at that please all I have read with your comments is an ego and negativity let it die down abit and try to enjoy pure passion of rp where reality is far form here

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: I was merely giving a suggestion..

2004-02-04 [Lexicon]: a charcter can be definitly enjoyed if you research background if you are taking it from reality but it should mostly be a guidlin to build but not entirely, ninja's in anime are far from what one is percieved to be in relity but hey fantasy is best and I know you would agree, right on!! LOL any ways a ninja with high chraisma is surely to fail...well atleast while pulling a mission considering thier face is covered and they are there to kill you LOL ITS ALL GOOD just have fun

2004-02-04 [the crazed artist]: I changed my character...

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Charisma for when they are gathering intelegence, and not all ninja's wore masks they only wore them on missions to make their face more streamlined and to keep people from recognising them..

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: And thats what i ment by doing research on them. For a wire frame ya know. So BR can put his ninja to use more readily and not be to fansiful about it.. ya know, and I wish to adress Leara's comments about godlike charas. Since when did paganism, christianity, judaism, hindu, islam, and religon in general not exhist in fantasy. since when did athiasm rule RP for all you know my char could be pagan and worship Nimune the demigod... Please be a lil more reasonable or at the veryleast a lil more flexable I mean you acting so ridged backed with your head caught in your own ass ranting and raving about other people minor problems while you have quite a large one in your hands.. turns others away

2004-02-04 [Lexicon]: I think that is what I just said when they are pulling a mission LOL

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: lol *re-reads and agrees* Hey You have to have some truth and guidlines if your gunna base it off reality do you not agree?

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: I would post my char up here but because of a specific person I cant because of all her unreasonable and unflexable outlook on "Fantasy" and her power trips personally I think some one who is more open minded should take her place..

2004-02-04 [elf_fu]: :: Breaks the tension by announcing:: "I like cheese!"

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: -Looks at Tael, with a slight giggle- "I like..." *ponders* -=Ξ What do I like...Oh yeah I like coogies! Ξ=- -shouts- "I LIKE COOGIES!"

2004-02-04 [Lexicon]: WHOOO HOOOO cheese now dats good stuff and man can it make you completley stuffed LOL  and yes Kamasashi a good character should have soem research done but not um....the main factor

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: I agree completely. And I just want you to know I have no problem with you, I am actually beginning to like you as a friend more and more..

2004-02-04 [Lexicon]: right on! its all good I just enjoy gettin in here and shottin the talkin? and rpin and stuff lol

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: You mean shooting the shit...

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Grr this is so fricking boring now what happened did you people frigging go to sleep or what?

2004-02-04 [Blood Raven]: I did do some research on ninja's: 1) they don't do magic, but they have other cool stuff 2) they don't use katana's. Those are too long and heavy to be of any use on stealth missions. 3) all the weapons you decribe are a too big load. They must still be able to run. I was thinking more of an Naginata, a few knifes and Shuriken. 4) Ninja's indeed aren't the fighters anime or modern movies suppose them to be. They were farmers who weren't loyal to their shogun anymore. They had their own fighting style (Ninjitsu) and they couldn't afford expencive weapons like katana's and repeating crossbows. They also weren't assassins who killed for fun, they had a warrior code.

2004-02-04 [Blood Raven]: I wasn't planning of giving them magic, as they are a combination of 3 classes already: rogue, monk and fighter. Though they can't beat any of these classes at their own thing (they can't fight as well as fighters or sneak as well as rogues) but they are a combination. Think of it: for sneaking into a heavily-guarded castle you'd only need 1 person instead of a party. So also giving them magic would create a quite powerfull class

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Well I have no clue where you pulled that from but they most certianly had katanas and a wakazashi, I would know my family comes from Ninjas, Daimyos, Sohei, Samurai, and peasents.. I have researched ninjas and they didnt use cross bows but they did used short bows, and long bows, and grenades (well really cherry bombs) And that is a DnD class description.. and that really isnt accurate, because they were spies and assassins, and they were not just comon peasents, they too had to be some what wealthy, they were trained in the arts of ninjittsu from birth, they were called "the Men of the Shadows" and your right they didnt use the long katana known as a Dai-Katana or a No-dachai.

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: But instead used a actual katana, if you want more info I would be more than happy to give it.. Now your info that you have might pertain to the chinese ninjas, who were peasents, but certianly not the japanese especially during the onin war or sengokujida, that is a fact.

2004-02-04 [Leara]: Kamasashi, get the hell off this character page now you egotistical bastard. No one here needs help from you, their fine at creating their own characters, seems you were lost to what I meant by godlike anyways. No character you could create is being accepted here, so just run along and leave this rp alone.

2004-02-04 [Leara]: 'I would post my char up here but because of a specific person I cant because of all her unreasonable and unflexable outlook on "Fantasy" and her power trips personally I think some one who is more open minded should take her place.' <-----Thats your own problem for deciding it was a good thing to insult me, then not only that, make cracks at Xido's rp itself, thats right people, this ass decided that in order to have his character accepted he should call this a 'lowlevel newbie roleplay' abd got extremely angry when I said his character was to godlike....ummm...hello, he was listed having like every damn power in the book, including telepathy, his arggument? 'Oh I've been creating him for

2004-02-04 [Leara]: ten years and have roleplayed at an international level' So whats that mean? Although we've asked others to change those godlike traits in a description, we're supposed to bow down to the almighty self-proclaimed 'advanced' roleplayer and bend the rules so he can wipe out everyones characters and have people complaining about how unfair the fights were....I don't bloody think so. Its not that I don't understand what you mean with all the powers, but this rp is not the place for that, if you can't handle that we're trying to run a smooth rp without characters running around doing things saying there stronger than so, pissing everyone off and not allowing themselves to get hit becasue there oh

2004-02-04 [Leara]: so great. I've been on rp's with people playing characters with all the powers like you claimed your character to have, all it does is piss people off, then entire roleplays die because everyones to pissed off to continue.

2004-02-04 [Leara]: And I'm only doing my job, so leave this page before I decide whether or not to report you to the guards for disrupting it.

2004-02-04 [elf_fu]: Otay! I have tried again, and shortened it to the best of my ability...::Crosses fingers...Eyes...Legs..toes...Gets dizzy, falls over:: I shall await word, woot!

2004-02-04 [Blood Raven]: go Leara ^_^

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Funny All the people I rp with actually like me, I guess it's your fault your not as accepting as you advertise, But that's all good I really wouldn't wanna be caught dead around a stupid legolas wanna be or some other chintzy peice of shit with out a real immagination, You see it's all very good in my little world because I have done it and dissappointed as I am I have learned just to let others rant and rave as they please and just sit back and enjoy the show as they bring themselves closer to a heart attack, btw Miss Leara if your gunna cuss to it properly so you can at least call yourself a homosapian with an I.Q. instead of a neianderthal rugby team or a cromagnaman cave tribe..

2004-02-04 [Leara]: Why are you still here? Why are you still saying pointless things? You can't be accepting towards someone who isn't accepting themself. Damn, just shut up already, stop watching this page, and take your conceited way of life elsewhere.

2004-02-04 [Leara]: Hey! TaelAen, can you maybe get rid of the spaces between lines? It makes it easier to read, but it takes up alot of room on the page ^.^; and could you try not to actually list things, but put them into sentences please? :D

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Hey, Leara after your done with your power dildo trip how about washing it off and giving someone else a try?

2004-02-04 [Blood Raven]: could you continue this on a separate wiki page? there are people here who want to RP... and if we're newbies and stuff Kamasashi, don't blame us for it, we still need practise. I reckon you've got years and years of experience and stuff, but don't take us down because we haven't. There are enough serious players here and if it's not serious enough for you start your own wiki, because we're happy with the way it is now. Come back in a couple of years, when ur little world starts to get broing or something and flow into the mass of 'newbies'. But don't be on this place constanly saying ur better. I'm not saying Leara is the best, far from. But i am currently prefer her over you

2004-02-04 [Leara]: .

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: How about I report you, I wasnt going to because that's a cowards tactic.. one used when one is defeated...

2004-02-04 [Leara]: I'm not the one bad mouthing and not taking a hint.

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Hey It's a free page.. if you dont like that i am here make some changes. If you wouldnt have started with me in the first place none of this would have to happen. It's just that simple you could have been a bit nicer when you pointed out my charas flaws for this place instead of being an old hag about it.. and if anyone gets pissed off around here because of anything would have to say your the cause because several of the recent applicantes have made complaints about you. So, in short I would stop while I'm still behind if I were you..

2004-02-04 [Leara]: This is NOT a free page, the comments on this page are not meant for chatting. I was nice to you, nicer than I usually am to people, and what did you do? Start being a mocking smartass. I haven't seen any actually complaints on this page, now stop commenting here, this comment area is for the discussion of characters which I'm reveiwing.

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Who said they were comenting here... I got several messages about you.. hehe some which arnt decent enough for public viewing.. and this is a free page other wise i would have had to pay money.. or do some other dumb thing so if you want this to stop how about you just shut up and quit. Damn, werent you taught discretion is the better part of valour... man your like a broken record...

2004-02-04 [Leara]: This page isn't for your complaining. So stop now. And if you have any msg's about me, I garentee you there not from people that have been on friendly terms with me, I really don't care, but stop commenting on this page.

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: No! - wait.. I'll make a deal... You shut that loose and ugly asshole that was embedded in your face and I'll do the same..

2004-02-04 [Hutch]: hmm i'd jump in and help out Leara, but I'd rather stick to the rules. Question: if your character isn't active in any of the RP's is there a time limit to when you have to enter your character in one?

2004-02-04 [Leara]: Nope, no time limit, but if its cause you can't find a suitable wiki you could msg Xido, he seems to know who fits where.

2004-02-04 [Hutch]: gracias

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: I think her silence is her tone of accord *looks at her and bows* you were a well forged adversary one I would take as an ally any day or as an opponant in single combat..

2004-02-04 [Hutch]: who?

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Miss leara..

2004-02-04 [Raerlas]: Leara, i changed Arcanthia and put her on her own page like it says at the bottom...sorry if i inconvienenced you. She is at the top by the line for new characters

2004-02-04 [Leara]: Go away dammit, I'm trying to do my job here, now I have to repost an answer to a previous thing because its no longer on this page.

2004-02-04 [Leara]: I rarely take notice of who already has a character to know who should be at the bottom ^^;

2004-02-04 [Leara]: Since this will probaly be off the page before the user gets to see it, I'll repost:  19:05:51 Leara: Hey! TaelAen, can you maybe get rid of the spaces between lines? It makes it easier to read, but it takes up alot of room on the page ^.^; and could you try not to actually list things, but put them into sentences please? :D

2004-02-04 [Raerlas]: ????? k...

2004-02-04 [Leara]: @_@ now I have a headache. supper time, yay

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: lol, I know leara is in charge but I kinda like the list things. makes it a lil easier to quick glance at, but as a suggestion i would elaborate on what the skills do just for her..

2004-02-04 [Hutch]: ...

2004-02-04 [Blood Raven]: removes the empty lines between the different things would help [elf_fu], just 1 press on the enter button will do just fine as well ^_^

2004-02-04 [TheRogue]: Kamashi, it is obvious you are not welcome at this wiki page. I suggest you find another hobby and leave this page, I will only warn you one time, since i know who you are and have had plenty of trouble with you before. GreyFox-Elftown Guard.

2004-02-04 [TheRogue]: I have deleted your latest comments, but I assure you they are recorded.

2004-02-04 [Leara]: Thank You GreyFox!

2004-02-04 [AccountKiller]: Grey I dont really care. And I would like to know what you know about me.. and what troubles you have had with me...

2004-02-04 [TheRogue]: It ain't happening in here, kid. And you don't follow instruction very well.

2004-02-05 [AccountKiller]: GreyFox you wanna make a case...

2004-02-05 [TheRogue]: If this member continues to harrass this wiki, report him to the guards again, and we will deal with him.

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Sorry folks, moving kinda slowly.... Thanks GreyFox. If I had known he was a repeat offender woulda said something sooner. Was kinda hoping we could clear him out without this kinda trouble. Ok Now to go move some characters and such. God I feel so far behind ^_^

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Kirael Tlin // [the crazed artist] Accepted, good character. Remember to make the changes to the species and add a few more specifics on how she gained her wings as you said you would do. (ps. Sorry for the delay on what I last told you ^_^)

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Cryanna Lylith Myriinru Oathmaker Accepted, Good character! History is much easier to read. Like I mentioned last time you could add a link to the narrative history in the character page. Good detail in the personality and history (ps. I had to delete those spaces as they clog the page. In the future, just let the bolds mark the new sections. Thanks! ^_^)

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Somebody has deleted the bottom part of this wiki page. I do not appreciate it. If it was an accident it should have been reported so we can fix it. Now I will need to scroll through the history in an attempt to find it.

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: [xido] Commonly refered to as Xido, [Hutch], I think you had a question about that. :)

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: I moved Whupem from my Mail to this page for review.

2004-02-05 [elf_fu]: Woot, thank you...Now..The question is...Where do I start? Lol

2004-02-05 [akiret]: Someone look over my character plz!

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Easy man, we are only human. Gimme a chance lol.

2004-02-05 [akiret]: sorry

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Angelus Ragnorock / [akiret] Good character, accepted. Keep in mind when making comments like "Almost unbeatable" in regards to his fighting style, For any given ability there are many many many ways to counter it. If you run into an experienced RPer and try to use such an idea against them, they can blow you away. Just be carefull when making statements like that.

2004-02-05 [Blood Raven]: As Xido once said to me: use can take on anything. Instead of can beat anything or something in that matter

2004-02-05 [Leara]: Mathias! Dammit, I was looking over those character, and had some questions about them, stop accepting people, I'd like my job back, which I can't do if your accepting people I had questions about.

2004-02-05 [Blood Raven]: lol

2004-02-05 [Blood Raven]: looks like you two need to get urself organised ;)

2004-02-05 [Raerlas]: um not to disrupt anything but about anyone gonna look at her???? i don't wanna rushu guys though.

2004-02-05 [Leara]: People that don't already have characters tend to get looked at first.

2004-02-05 [Raerlas]: i know..i'm sorry, i'm bored have a six hour break between classes

2004-02-05 [Leara]: O.O Jeez, go shopping or something with that much time

2004-02-05 [Raerlas]: can't my cars dead.

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Basically Raerlas, you already have accepted character(s) so if you want you can start using that one whenever you want. It has to be reviewed for class information and the like not really cause we think you wont include what needs to be there. Thats why we have you create a page. Will move the new character when it gets looked over.

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Leara if you have a question about somebody's character or if you think I have errored in accepting somebody, UnDo it. Or hell send them a message, not like they cant be edited once they are on a page. I am accepting people on the basis that they have a complete character with all the requirements. Little nuances can be worked out faster and more efficiently if we dont have 6 or 7 characters on the page at once.

2004-02-05 [Raerlas]: I spend my time here or searching the next for stuff

2004-02-05 [Raerlas]: thanks though. i didn't know that.

2004-02-05 [Leara]: Mathias, no offence to you or anything, but I don't have a problem with more than one character on the page, I'd rather for everything to be worked out before accepting them, and your interfering with my job.

2004-02-05 [MathiasIV]: Also Leara I dont want to impose but it would be nice to know what is being moved by you and what is being moved by players. I noticed that Raerlas's character is gone but without checking the editions I dont know who did it. Would you mind making a little comment down here about it? that way we can communicate better ^_^

2004-02-05 [Blood Raven]: you two need better communications anyway. Have a wiki page about it or something. character discussions or something...

2004-02-05 [Leara]: Theres no point, its my job, he was asked to fill in while I was away. If I character disappears from the page and I don't say anything about it, its safe to assume it was accepted, thats why I liked having accepted characters on this page, it was all here and could be easily found.

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